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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Early to Rise, Longing For Fall...

 "If I had to settle on just one definition of my Purpose in life, it would be: 

'To create images and share stories that contribute to the betterment of this life experience for all...' but I hope to live long enough to discover even more." 

~ Brian Geraths

My front yard last weekend!
Oh, the many titles I wanted to give this post. Perhaps a bit cheeky, but quite tempting, was the one related to the near-empty roads I got to stand in... "Thank you for staying home to watch football!" Although fun, it lacked the true essence of the message, derived more from gratitude.

On any given day, I probably remove myself from at least three email lists that have absolutely no relevance to my professional life or personal goals. (sound familiar?)

Multnomah Falls like I've never seen it!
I know that some of you may have found your way here, only because you allowed me a chance to be one of those emails to YOUR in-box. The fact that you made it this far, I say thank you!

Email is usually about somebody else's agenda (more accurately "a-mail") to sell you something. Sure, I'd love for you to come back to me every week, but frankly, there's only a handful of occasions in your life that you'd really need me.
Appropriately named "Bridal Veil Falls"!

Since most people finding this blog have already been served photographically, my blog and email have become my excuse to share and inspire.

YES, high school seniors, I want you to remember me when you get married. Yes, my business headshot clients, I want you to bring your family back in for some portraits.

But I'd feel just as content to know that I helped you get up a little earlier on the weekend, or even to skip "the game" one Saturday to go out and experience this STUNNING planet we are fortunate enough to inhabit.

In a system of communication that has us flitting about with zero attention span, I am gratefully appreciate that you check in once in a while to see what makes ME smile! 
Columbia River GORGEOUS!..

Every day, I listen to or read the life-coaching tips of multiple, decades-old teachers (centuries in some cases) that relate to us all. From those teachings, I've managed to thin out my schedule, ridding it of items that just don't contribute to my personal betterment.

Fireworks in my front yard!

My back yard (okay, the Columbia River Gorge)
If I had to settle on just one definition of my Purpose in life, it would be: "To create images and share stories that contribute to the betterment of this life experience for all..." but I hope to live long enough to discover even more."

We each desire to increase our lives by investing our time in the things that matter to us and living in harmony with our purpose. Be it a Divine calling, a personal passion, or raising kids, we all have an ultimate vision of what we'd REALLY like to be doing.

You know, that thing you do on your 2nd or 3rd day of vacation. When you don't "have to" do something, and instead you do what you feel?..

Between waterfalls and autumn color shows, pure green...

This month I returned to a practice that allows this for me without having to wait for a holiday. Waking up before the sun, meditating, exercising and then trusting my Third Eye (AKA, camera lens) to guide me toward beauty.

Mysterious, yes? No trickery, just nature.
After my first sunrise trip to the Columbia River Gorge this month, 5am was no longer dreadful. Smelling the air, admiring the fall colors piercing through the fog on windy back roads, fewer cars or people to engage... If it wasn't for seeing the absolute JOY in my wife's eyes over stomping through crunchy leaves, I would dread watching them all drop.

Tripod in road, because I could!..
I hope that this finds you thriving on the path of your own desire. Please do keep us in mind for next year's burst of color. Imagine you, your lover, your family or even your product - professionally
lit in the foreground of any one of these images... It's a short window of opportunity, but it can hang on your living room wall for a lifetime!

Cheers! Brian

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